Originally Posted by Anteater
In a time when we are just beginning to comprehend the possibility that fundamental forces like gravity may not even originate from our dimension and that we're merely shadows on some freakin' cosmic wall, am I the only one who thinks that trying to put anything of divine nature into a human frame of reference is silly?
People are moronic because they try to approach these issues under the impression that they know jack shit about existence. Limited by our paltry senses and merely capable of manipulating existing materials or coming to conclusions based on observable phenomena, we still haven't even started to scrape the surface of the nature of reality, much less what lies beyond it.
Most of you, CA included, are trying way too hard to force a human logical thought process onto something that goes far beyond the scope of mankind. When it comes to fundamental questions that are not provable or disprovable, we are no different from ants trying to digest a textbook on string theory.
My advice? Step back from your personal beliefs, the ever-changing scientific landscape, atheistic dogma, etc. sometimes and realize that too many people in too many places are approaching the subject of God/supernatural anything and such in an arrogant state of mind that brings plenty of self-satisfaction..but very little else.
Don't be like them. Think, ponder, and chuckle at the foolishness of your fellow humans who think their beliefs, or lack thereof, somehow give them an access card to the secrets of the universe.
That is all.
I was sitting in the dining halls at my University one day, and the two guys next to me were vigorously arguing atheism vs. theism. The argument reached the point where they were discussing things that they simply had no right to be discussing, and I wanted to reach over and slap both of them.
theist: "just think about how peaceful and harmonious the universe is! How could a
big-bang create such harmony? Peace doesn't come from chaos"
I just don't understand the point of arguing over things like the origins of the universe. How can we even pretend to know anything about it? And I guess that ties into my fundamental problem with Religion and God. They take completely unsubstantiated claims about things beyond our possible understanding and use them as a "weapon" of sorts, whereas Science acknowledges that NOTHING can ever be 100% proven certain and seeks to only further our understanding instead of coerce people with it. In the words of Bill Maher, "religion is selling certainty. I'm selling doubt."
So as long as you identify with an organized religion, I will always judge you for it. It seems so stupid to blindly submit yourself to an organized faith, but maybe that's because I was raised in an irreligious family. However, if you're a Ben Franklin in that you believe in a power greater than man, but admit that "lighthouses are more useful than churches", you have my respect. But I won't be caught dead admitting that there's ANYTHING redeeming in the Christian or Islamic faiths.
Boo Boo, you called Sam Harris a thunderc*nt (or something), and while he comes off as a smug asswad, he is one of my greatest idols. If you guys haven't read Letter to a Christian Nation, I'd definitely recommend doing so.
Well anyway, that was my unorganized, incoherent rant.