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Old 07-22-2010, 10:05 AM   #76 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by tore View Post

Everything you are is rooted in your biology. Say you have person A and person B. They've lived pretty much the same life in the same environment, but person B has a genetic makeup that makes him more likely to develop schizophrenia. When both person A and B experience the same traumatic incident, person A processes it mentally and emotionally while person B has problems with these things and get sick.

In this example, they experienced the same environment, but they respond differently because of different genetic makeups. Stuff like this, like how much of a behaviour is just genes talking, is testable and measurable with animals in the lab f.ex. I agree that environment made person B sick, but on the other hand, maybe person A couldn't get sick like that from such an experience or maybe he just can't period. Obviously, biology plays a part.
Personally man, I agree with the person B being perhaps more likely to develop the disease than person A. But despite their biology, both person A, or person B, could go through a situation, which strengthens their resolve. At an early stage, one might be more susceptable to mental breakdown, due to biology; but as you grow and progress, that susceptibility, either grows too, or starts to diminish, according to how they learn to deal with situations. Maybe Person B never went through certain situations at a young age that prepared him/her for life, or maybe Person A had more support, so on. Life is a learning curve, it's progressive Biology plays a part, I agree man, important part. But it's not absolute.

We're not worker ants. You can't look at a new born baby and say "they're going to be this or that, they're going to live their life in this certain way, they're going to do these things, get ill on these days" and expect it to be accurate. Biology doesn't supercede conciousness, whatever you do in life you still have to think to do it.

I disagree with the idea that a capable, sane, responsible adult Human Being, is simply a mechanism "reacting" to it's environment. I believe a Human Being, is more than the sum of it's parts.

but... but, BUT.... that would mean i would have to take personal responsibility for the actions i choose to take or avoid based on internal influences and, and... i might do something that most people would consider unacceptable and it's just not fair.... not fair at all! that i would have to be punished and forced to take responsibility for doing something that i chose to not exert any self-control over. NOT FAIR!!! WHY DOES MY CAKE DISAPPEAR WHEN I EAT IT?!?!????!!!
thats all it is, fear of personal responsibility. THIS IS MY BIOLOGY DONT TELL ME NOT TO DO IT WAH WAH WAH!!!! if you ask me, that's even worse. damned biological zombies, get the shotguns ready

Oh and to the member who said about women raping men, good point - rape isn't just a mans act.

Tore you definitely have some good points, being from a biological background will indeed give you some knowledge on the biological beginnings of rape. One question I'd like to raise, in native tribes which are very secluded from the world, is there a higher tendency of rape? Now this in no way is meant to make them seem inferior or immoral I just have heard some stories that some African tribes for example the women is chosen by the man through some manner and had forced the woman to have sexual intercourse with him. It's something that perhaps not all communities will look down on, maybe just turn their eyes away from it.

What do you guys think?
Women rape men???

I think im gonna have to start dressing more provocatively.

I also know in some African tribes they circumsize the clitoris of women so they dont **** around. That seems messed up to me.

They have their way of life, from the outside looking in, it may seem uncivilized, thats how its been done for a long time, though. If it really bothers you the way I see it you can

A. Attempt to educate them as to why it shouldnt be done

B. if this fails, either leave them to it, or declare war on them

the last one obviously if you're in charge of some sort of government/military. I wouldnt sugest going rambo on them.
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