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Old 07-21-2010, 03:17 PM   #68 (permalink)
midnight rain
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Originally Posted by Cressidagater View Post
This is completely irrelevant man. Despite the fact I believe you can, through intelligent thought, actually choose on what you like, its irrelevant.

What im saying is you CHOOSE to pursue it. You could listen to can, or not listen. You could eat vanilla, or not eat vanilla. You could rape, or not rape. Doesnt matter what you like. You choose what you DO, do you not?
It's not irrelevant at all, in fact it's what I originally posted and you went off on some other tangent about healthiness and ice cream or something.

And it's complete BS to me that you can think intellectually about chocolate ice cream enough to start liking it if you previously hated it. I'm not talking about appreciating Can's musi, I'm talking about actually liking it. Maybe it takes a few listens to wrap your head around what it is you like, but that's very different from music just not appealing to you

You don't choose what you do. You react to your environment. You eat vanilla ice cream because it appeals to your taste and your hot.

You rape because either you grew up in a dysfunctional family and don't grasp why it's taboo, you recognize that it's unacceptable and do it anyway, or your main drive is pleasure and that comes before all the consequences of raping (lots of these people are probably sociopaths and are physically incapable of sympathizing with who they're raping)

you don't rape because you can sympathize with the person you'd be raping, or you don't care about the person but recognize the consequences you face for getting caught

obviously these are different thought processes, seeing as how everyone thinks and reacts differently to different situations it'd be impossible to cover all of them
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