Originally Posted by Tuna
Once again, that's not a choice so much as a combination of genetic makeup (what flavor your tastebuds favor) and social influence (how healthy this ice cream is) and a combination of the two (how concerned you are with how healthy the ice cream is for you). It's like music, can you explain why you like, say, Mayhem when others clearly detest the sound of it? What made you choose to like that sound? You can't explain because it wasn't a choice. I could pretend to like Can until the sun goes down to sound sophisticated, but if I'm truly not into that type of music I can't make myself like it, as much as I'd like to.
Your response is wayyyy too long for me to respond to the rest, as right now I'm just killing time while studying for a final. 
This is completely irrelevant man. Despite the fact I believe you can, through intelligent thought, actually choose on what you like, its irrelevant.
And yes I can explain why I like certain music. the intonations, the language, the words. I could pick a band and explain why I listen. Whatever it is, I have discovered that this music sounds good to me. Its still up to me to listen to it. If i really thought about it and dsicovered its harmful to me, or sends a message i disagree with, i wouldnt listen anymore, even if it sounded very nice to me. There are many communist songs which sound very nice, which come from my home country from many years ago. I dont listen to them because despite the fact they're skilfully played, they stand for an ideal I disagree with. you're proposing that all of the reasoning as to why I like the music, is something else, or someone else, separate from me. Everything that leads me to like it is a part of me and my experience of life. I choose to then act upon it accordingly. Personally, if I like something, I choose to do it. If I dislike something, I choose not to do it.
what im saying is you CHOOSE to pursue things. You could listen to can, or not listen. You could eat vanilla, or not eat vanilla. You could rape, or not rape. To put thing sin perspective, it doesnt matter what you "like", even. You choose what you DO, do you not?