Originally Posted by Aerohead
Men think of any excuse to make being a disgusting scumbag expectable.
The creator of this thread, Vanilla, is a girl.
And just so you know, we're trying to explain what purpose rape serves in terms of biology. If you want to get emotional about it, it's probably best not to respond, as biology is cold hard "theory"
But honestly, saying that rapists are "sick" isn't productive and really isn't interesting either in a debate.
I'd argue that rapists aren't even entirely at fault even if it gets me in hot water. Biology deals you a set of genes of which you have no control over. I'd say that although we call them "choices" that we make during life, they aren't choices so much as a natural response to some event based on:
a.) biological makeup
b.) social environment that the individual grew up in and was influenced by
Feel free to call me sick for saying this and in my opinion rape is still wrong, but I acknowledge that not everyone holds the same beliefs and thinks the same way as I do, and that in the end it's still just my opinion.