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Old 07-07-2005, 10:45 AM   #9 (permalink)
hookers with machineguns
Music Addict
Join Date: Dec 2004
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Originally Posted by Krosstika
There was a time when musicians created and expressed themselves in their music and it became popular on its own merit.
I dont care for the hip hop stuff and the whole Britney and her clone things. I fackin hate rap. Rap is not music! so you could say i hate most modern sh!t!?
I guess you could say that I believe music was better years ago.
How many of todays music stars will prove to be marketable in 20 years? Only time will tell.
Most producers have ran out of ideas.
Rock is just re runs of old sounds, hip hop is progressing into a sad pop scene and the pop scene itself is a joke to music....
A particular band does not need to stand the 'test of time' in terms of their magnitude of popularity to be considered 'good' musicians. Marketability is rather irrelevant, at least if we are appreciating music here (not doing an economic profit analysis).

Judging an entire sector of music based on heavy rotation radio songs is foolish. Most commerical rap seems uninspired, but to draw the trigger so quickly on it without listening to more apt artists is not something an advocate for originality and music appreciation would do. It's easy to disdain the current music movement, but it's even easier to not fully grasp the movement by only considering popular acts.
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