Originally Posted by James
Yeah, you're disregarding like 86% of good jazz and 50% of good country there TCS.
I said I liked Johnny Cash!
I'm not disregarding it in any way shape or form, I'm saying I've heard bits and bobs. And as far as I'm concerned, The Beatles were the first to make interesting music, because what I've heard from the 50s hasn't really appealed to me. Even though I do recognise that people who are into Jazz and Soul music would really hate the whole "Beatles were the first!" thing.
Originally Posted by Janszoon
Yeah, you must be confusing me with someone else, I never made a list like that. Plus, unlike the Beatles, I actually do like Radiohead. Not my favorite band in the world or anything but I enjoy a lot of their music.
Could've sworn it was you, but it may have been Urban. Radiohead have more annoying fans than The Beatles, I can't stand Radiohead fans.. and I actually like the band.