high school sucks
high school sucks (as long as your in it) plain and simple.. in a few years you and a couple of those jack offs will sit around and BS about how great high school was.. its how it works.. ("when i say we should just be "friends" i really mean you should grow up"- BN )so just think a yearor two of this crap and your out, and you ll be off to college, and there you will find a music "hevean" like no other. I d suggest going post secondary, only 3 years of HS, NOICE!, freshmen college classes were easier than most of my HS classes anyway and its paid for by your HS, you ll meet a whole new crowd of people, and every guy wears tight pants.. mmm boys in nice pants, yum, i have never met in tight, nice fitting pants that i haven't been able to resist, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, keep wearing them, tell em to screw off, and in a few years you ll probly be best friends, ironic huh?