Originally Posted by Janszoon
One thing that's kind of fascinating to me in this conversation is the number of guys talking about dating women who are really into music. No offense to any of the women present but in my experience women who are as into music as I am are very few and far between. For whatever reason, being a massive music geek seems to be largely a guy thing. When I was out there dating I honestly never was with anyone who was super into music. There were a couple punk/hardcore scenester-types but I don't really think of people like as being into music, they're more into the scene than anything else.
Really? I find this weird. I know plenty of females who are entirely into music, and not just the 'scene.' My band consists of 4 females and we all are heavily into music and play music instruments... does this make us an anomaly then? I never thought of being interested in music as a wholly male thing.