Music Banter - View Single Post - Juana Molina
Thread: Juana Molina
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Old 07-14-2010, 11:46 PM   #1 (permalink)
zen glen
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Seattle
Posts: 20
Default Juana Molina

With so many electronic/ambient bands using samples from all sorts of sources, it was SO refreshing to find a singer who uses her own samples to produce her music.

Juana Molina started out doing comedy sketches on a show called La Noticia Rebeldeand made the move to singing/producing in 1996 with the release of her album Rara. Since then she has put out 4 more records. I just love her unique, catchy and talented way of being literally a 1 woman band. When she plays live she brings 2 digital keyboards that have the ability to record and play back any part of a instrument that is being played. So she'll start with a simple drum beat, loop it, add a short guitar riff, loop that and add layers from there. The end result is a fun blending of sounds starting and stopping at her control. She sings along in her native Rioplantense Spanish, as well as a few songs in French and English.

Her style may not be for everyone, but I think she is definitely worth a listen!
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