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Old 07-13-2010, 05:37 PM   #2 (permalink)
Atchin' Akai
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Originally Posted by AwwSugar View Post

I really like the shoutbox. But there's a lot of drama and a lot of BS in there rather than real conversation, so the spamming isn't really getting in the way of much when it only comes every once in a while.
Speaking as a person who hardly uses the shout box I can agree with your point.
However, there are those that use the shout box to communicate with other members who enjoy a bit of banter with while browsing the forums.
I bet there are more than a few who'd grudgingly admit to it being a primary reason for visiting here.
It all helps contribute positively to the site and goes some way towards making MB more of a community, as opposed to it being just another message board.
Better the drama and BS happen in there than on the boards too.

Last night the spamming got in the way (going off what I saw) of those members who enjoy real time banter with others.
After all, that's what the shout box is there for.

Additionally, there have been occasions when the shout box has been used (as I recall) in attempts to hack MB and compromise the site. So far unsuccessfully, but as far as I know the possibility still exists.

Limiting it to regular member access only, will keep out the spammers and help secure the site against those who, for whatever reason, want to fuck around with MB.
It certainly wouldn't do any harm to give it a try.

Last edited by right-track; 07-13-2010 at 05:44 PM.
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