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Old 07-13-2010, 01:22 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by NumberNineDream View Post
I never was able to understand the hatred Urban's got to the shoutbox. True he's a Hatemonger by excellence, but I do prefer the shoutbox without the spammers that come to ruin my day.

I have to agree with right-Track on that one. I don't think "the request" is necessary, but I'd prefer the shoutbox to be some kind of a privilege.
It's just going to be hidden until a number of post is reached, and usually most of the users think that it's no here anyway, as it's jammed at the end of the page. So I don't think any spammer would know of it, and start spamming the main forum for the sole purpose of infecting the shouty.
because it generally means the contingency of bored douchebags demanding to be entertained stick around here longer than they normally would.

I don't mind it as much, I just wish the SB junkies would post something of value once in awhile.
I've moved to a new address
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