An SIA badge, Kayleigh, is basically just a qualification needed to work in the security industry. The security at the airport will all have one, bouncers will have them, most stewards you see at gigs and festivals will have one. They should all display them on their sleeve really but they often don't.
Well I did weigh up the possible advantages of getting my badge instead, as once i get it i don't believe it is reviewed or has to be renewed for 10 years maybe. And it isnt costing me a penny. But then again, im only doing it because of this and because the guy putting me and the rest of this group through this course does event cover ie gigs, festivals, football etc and this could be a few quid in my pocket while i look for a real job. However its not a fixed wage, i cant possibly know what work ill get out of it and how frequently and even though i could apply for the kind of jobs i mentioned above once i have it, i really do not want to work the doors or anything so i dont see myself using it for anything else. This job i have an interview for IS a real job. Its not the best paid job in the world but its close to home, its stable, the hours are great and so is a much better job for me to have right now while still keeping an eye on vacancies elsewhere.
Its a risk but i dont think event cover work is much to throw away, its just a shame that this bloody interview couldnt be next week, once i have completed the course and got my badge.
EDIT: Oh and no, i cant postpone it. I didnt apply for this job, the employer has obviously hired the services of a recruitment agency to find them suitable applicants from online CV's. Its only customer service after all, it isnt rocket science. So i dont have to go, i can tell them i dont want to and they just move on and find someone else.