Originally Posted by Odyshape
Would someone really believe in something they did not think was right?
this is the ENTIRE challenge of a faithful belief - remember, just because it's not 'right' doesn't mean it's 'wrong'.
Originally Posted by Odyshape
Your last part seems more inclined with spirituality rather than religion. Religion can be used for finding ones spirituality and help them find a sense of happiness beyond traditional things but no one doing true introspective self realization internally will ever be in line with organized religious dogma. There are many things can cloud this sense of internal resonation.
i don't think it's possible to find individual spirituality if you've already made the choice to associate yourself with an organized religion. it becomes more of a thing about believing in something because you do, or believing in something because you're told to.
if you're just learning the basic tenets of various religions to use them as metaphysical stepping stones to glean varying perspectives on existence that's one thing. on the other hand, if you've already gone through the ceremonies and rites to become a full member of X religion and continue to actively practice it i don't really see how you'd really continue to expand freely from the greater confines of that religion's scope.
i also think people are more likely to find themselves leaning towards the fundamentals of X religion through contemplation (which can be a very hard pill to swallow) than they are to find spiritual satisfaction by diligently attending religious services.