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Old 07-09-2010, 04:44 AM   #2835 (permalink)
Post Proggresive Folkcore
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio
Posts: 393

Long time no see friends.
So basically I got caught smoking weed after my acid night which I stated earlier. And I said in my post THANK GOD my parents didn't find about the acid/pills/syrup/and whatever else.
Unfortuanatly they got on my internet history and looked at every post I had made in this thread. Posts such as "hey I can sell you guys acid over the internet" and posts like "parents in the other room, just hit an oxy line i stole from my dad and smoked a bowl".
Yeah, not good.
So I cleaned up and then got caught stealing cough syrup about a month after getting caught. So my parents sent my ass to outpatient rehab. Its been 8 weeks since then and I've graduated.
I've cleaned up for the most part. I'm allowed to drink and smoke cigarettes.. so at least I have that goin.
Originally Posted by lucifer_sam View Post
If your love for music stops where you can hear the difference between 'super blackened green death metal' and 'technical zoomacroom symphonic metal', then you're a tosser in my book.
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