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Old 07-07-2010, 03:03 PM   #20 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by mr dave View Post
but those are quantifiable examples on relative issues. some people DO find it cold outside in July regardless of hemisphere. Lateralus talked about visiting a glacier and having to bundle up in a giant parka while other tourists were out in t-shirts. is her belief that it was cold wrong?

with religion there's no way to prove either side of the coin, so i don't see how it's possible for any belief to be false. it's just what one chooses to believe in, not right, not wrong, just what you believe in.

again the rest of your post goes back to the simple example i made about the hammer. it's the fear of death and the unknown that feeds the darkness in the hearts of men, religion is simply the tool they use to control that darkness in others.

as for the comment about being manipulated in the name of religion. i agree that questions need to be asked about what they believe in and why they choose the path they follow, but i really don't think it has much to do with honest spiritual development.

just like the way the hippies are now leading the war on drugs, people who get suckered into something bogus tend to be very defensive about establishing the legitimacy of their situation to save their ego's face.
Belief in something that cannot be proven is not the only way to spiritual enlightenment. We should not delude our self on purpose because that stops progression of our own understanding.
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