Originally Posted by mojopinuk
I can both see and understand the reasons Vegangelica has for claiming that having more than two kids is selfish. I can see her reasoning behind some of the potential consequences of this but this is a generalisation based on the consequences of everyone having two kids, surely?
I just dont think it works this way and i think its quite harsh to claim that having more than two kids is always selfish.
i wonder how much of this is a difference in typical North American vs. European perspectives though. more often than not large families are drains on social services and programs.
the 'inspirational' families are few and far between, same as the ones who can actually afford to properly raise a large amount of children. the sad reality is that most of the adults who have more than the average number of children don't have the necessary resources to provide those children with what they would like to consider the modern norm for care. as a result the child will lack either material or emotional needs or both, all because the parents thought they were more special than the status quo and don't want to own up to having bitten more than they could chew - and that's taking the positive side of this dilemma where the parents mean better than they actually are, as opposed to being legitimately stupid and greedy and seeing their babies as government cheque providers like a lot of other people unfortunately do.
consider a middle class suburban family with 3 kids. well that 'requires' at least a 3 bedroom house. settle for one side of a duplex? not if anyone can help it. need at LEAST 2 cars, since each parent needs to work full-time, and odds are 1 is working an extra part time job on the side. maybe a 3rd vehicle too for the oldest kid. extracurricular activities after school. gotta have new clothes for the kids too, hand me downs are nasty, plus we don't want the neighbors thinking we're poor. and then they wonder why they have issues with the kids they never spent any actual time with because they were always too busy coordinating their 'lives' to actually spend any of it together while drowning in debt.