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Old 07-04-2010, 11:34 AM   #61 (permalink)
Melancholia Eternally
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I can both see and understand the reasons Vegangelica has for claiming that having more than two kids is selfish. I can see her reasoning behind some of the potential consequences of this but this is a generalisation based on the consequences of everyone having two kids, surely?

I just dont think it works this way and i think its quite harsh to claim that having more than two kids is always selfish. I think people who cant get the grasp of birth control and pop out accidental kid after accidental kid are not just selfish but too stupid to be trusted with the responsibility of having children. I think the only reason we are are in this situation, if what Vegangelica says is accurate, is because people are having children younger and younger, kids are having their own kids, and alot of people are not having children because they want to have children, they are having children because they make mistakes and find themselves with children and ultimately do not have what it takes to be then be responsible for them.

I think that claiming people who have more than two kids is wrong. If people want a big family and get alot of enjoyment out of having children and raising children and are responsible enough to do so then i dont think its fair to suggest that they shouldnt be entitled to do. Its their life. Its the idiots who arent mature, responsible or capable enough to have children that are the problem. If you had pass a test and get a licence to have children, alot of people would be deemed too stupid and never allowed to have kids.

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