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Old 07-03-2010, 02:46 AM   #1 (permalink)
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 1
Default Identify That shirt

Hey, alright so I'm sure w've all seen a shirt or whatnot with a band that we are unable to identify but want that shirt for, this is the case here, I have a shirt which I am unable to identify other than a few small letters on the lower right hand corner, I've tried searching some rumors or suggestions on it, none came up with results, and was wondering if any of you who were more familiar with the shirts and clothing aspect of it, if you could help me out. Below is the shirt in the attachment

Again Help is greatly appreciated, if it acn be identified this thread could serve to be a shirt ident. thread in general for band shirts.
Attached Thumbnails
Identify That shirt-unident1.jpg  
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