Women seem to put so much time into their appearance. I dont think its a bad thing to spend SOME time on your appearance as a male but women definitely seem to take it farther than i could ever be bothered with. They shave their legs, their pits, they pluck their eyebrows, they wax, they spend an absolute age doing all kinds of things with the hair on their head, they do their make up. Even the nails become something in need of up-keep. And then theres all that shopping. I dont know a man who can go into a shop looking for a shirt or jeans then go to 25 other shops over the next 5 or 6 hours before making their mind up but ive been dragged out on many of these wonderfully fun days out in my time. I dont know how they have the energy or the patience. You're welcome to keep all of that ladies. Im fine.
Im happy being a bloke. The only gripe I have is my gender is also represented by a lot of absolute wankers whom I will make sure I am never associated with as long as i live. I know the same can be said with women, its not an issue with gender but rather human beings in general but I am quietly confident that if it were possible to measure this, over 50% of the people I have ever met and disliked would be male.