first off, you realize the bulk of Jesse Ventura's career revolves around getting people to watch right? it's a whole hell of a lot easier to get people to just watch when you convince them they're being let in on a secret.
you also do remember the earlier WTC bombings that damaged the internal structure from the early 90s also right? truck bomb in 1993.
as for it being an inside job, i'll play devil's advocate for Tore since i did take that stance in the days following (but wised up shortly after). the short term benefit was an obliteration of the piss poor image Bush had in the public eye, his approval rating skyrocketed, all of a sudden he was a doe eyed good ol' boy who just watched his horse get shot, had his administration not had the equivalent ability of a recently shot horse he could have probably milked this image for the remainder of his first term and into a clear victory leading into his second. instead we got cowboy dubbya playing dress up at every opportunity.
long term benefit is that a victorious war is beneficial for the economy and that an attack on american soil would definitely guarantee popular support. only with the wisdom of his administration they declared a war on an idea instead of a clear bad guy, then advanced on two fronts, forgot it's not the 50s anymore, and just dogf*cked the bejesus out of that eagle with a tear in its eye.
i am the universe
Originally Posted by bandteacher1
I type whicked fast,