Originally Posted by reindeer
Are you a member of muzicforum? I'm having a problem with them. I was able to ask a question, in a new thread. But, when I try to post a comment to someone else's thread, or, even go to "User CP", a message box pops up saying I'm not logged in. If I log in again, even 2-3 times, it doesn't help. I've sent 2 messages to their "Contact Us", about this. The first message was sent only 2 days ago, so, perhaps, they'll still answer. But, my gut says: NO! (My 2nd message asks them if the problem could be from the fact that I use random public computers; rather than one of my own.)
A "moderator" made a comment on my question. I thought maybe I could get help on the problem from this moderator. But (ignorant me!) I can't figure out how to contact the moderator!!
Any suggestions??? 
starting a thread on a music forum called another music forum's website makes people think you're either a spammer or a troll.
a coloured font makes you look like a tool.
explaining the drama that transpired between yourself and a site that isn't this one makes you look like someone who shouldn't be allowed on the internet.
you say you use random public computers to connect but still think the problem is with the specific site? ask the administrator or whoever takes care of the public computers you're using if they're setup to handle sites like that one. there's a good chance they refuse to enable cookies because they don't want to deal with the hassles involved with cleaning the mess people who don't understand the internet leave behind in their computers (viruses / spyware / adware / etc.)