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Thread: Hot Hot Heat
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Old 07-05-2005, 06:38 AM   #27 (permalink)
Let it drip
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Originally Posted by The Indie Bar Kid
No I dont mean for me, but while in twenty years people will be still talking about Franz Ferdinand and The Futureheads, whos gonna mention HHH? And yes that is a criminal injustice since The Heat were well ahead of the game on the whole danceable rock revival, but thats history for you. I mean who really talks about Gang of Four, but for Franz, or Television, except for the Strokes...Great bands, but as the best tend to be: not at all accepted mainstream.

I still love Hot Hot Heat though, and will be talking about them to the kids of my day when Im naught but a gibbering pile of fibre jelly on his deathbed... NURSE: He keeps asking for bandages all the time...hes not even bleeding! Etc..etc..
i dont think the futureheads or franz ferdinand are going to be remembered in 20 years. bands that are genuinely different or innovative such as the white stripes and radiohead are going to remain in the publics psyche for years to come- and bands such as coldplay and the strokes will due to their mass appeal and corporate success. and i think the rapture beat hot hot heat at their own game. i cant see them being remembered at all.
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