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Old 06-24-2010, 07:44 PM   #6784 (permalink)
Mate, Spawn & Die
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Originally Posted by Chainsawkitten View Post
Watching this right now. In terms of a documentary, it's really bad. It's altering the context of the interviews and the editing is just horrible. It's basically guilty of many of the things it criticizes. Its arguments against religion are pretty damn weak. And that's coming from an atheist. The camera work is also really, really sloppy (a common factor in many documentaries that I can't really see a purpose of, just because it's a documentary doesn't mean you don't have to put some effort into it).

It is, however, funny. Very much so. Much more so than most comedies I've seen.
If it's enjoyable and it's a documentary, I would say it's a good documentary. I know I liked it a lot.

Is a stellar piece of journalism? No. Is it a powerful logical argument? No. But then it doesn't claim to be either of those things.
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