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Old 07-04-2005, 07:12 AM   #173 (permalink)
sexy_drug's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 114

Originally Posted by MusicKnowItAll
Heavy Metal is the WORST genre of music. The music that is played on the radio is 100 times better than metal. You're a brainwashed, moronic, heavy metal-worshiping ****head.
also in repsonse to other post by you, you say "Linkin Park will be around for years & years. Someday, they'll be considered legends." NOW WHOES THE **** HEAD????? the only way linkin park could be considered legends is if they started to release A HELL of a lot of GOOD music covers and even then i would find a bunch of people to join me in a anti-linkin park revolt and dont worry your my first target. And you say metal has no telant, well ever stoped to think about what telant is, take a look at these drummers, how many do u know that can drum that fast. Hmmm now that i think about it your one of those ****s that listen to the first 2 or 3 seconds of one song and dont stop to listen to anything else and suddenly have an oppion ill tell ya what **** YOU i mean come on your bagging us because we listen to metal YOU LIKE PHILL COLLINS AND LINKIN PARK..... WHAT THE **** IS UP WITH YOU. you also say you listen to real music, ok just what is real music, i listen to **** loads of metal but i also go back to the basics to stuff like pink floyd and classic rock such as the who and the kinks well i wouldnt be surprised if you were a 8 year old who spends half his times watching old tapes of some crappy pop music show full of **** like simple plan and jimmie eat world. I guess real music is just music you afraid to listen to cause you some kinda conformist arsehole whoes to scared of what his friends would think of it that you stand clear of it untill one of them starts to like it, if you really were a music know it all then you would know that music like linkin park should never have seen the light of day and was accedently discovered by a terrible band who were on the rocks and needed one last boost in fact im relativly sure they pay people to like there music so in short, YOUR A **** AND I HOPE THERE ARE MORE PEOPLE OUT THERE WHO WOULD BE WILLING TO JOIN ME IN BOYCOTING YOU FROM NOT JUST THE ROCK AND METAL PART OF THIS FORUM BUT THE WHOLE THING

P.s to quote myself earlier "I hope that judgement of yours doesnt wind you up on the wrong end of a hard beating"

well thanks for ya time you **** TARD
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