Originally Posted by jackhammer
Some real funny lines but still disappointed with the pace. Probably won't watch it again.
Same. It wasn't bad but meh, it wasnt all that great either.
Originally Posted by loveissucide
The Darjeeling Limited-4/5
Pretty decent entertainment, ideally paced. It's generally hard to go wrong with Wes Anderson.
Thank You For Smoking-4/5
Eckhart is great, it's enjoyably un-PC, skips along briskly and William H Macy is a good comic nemsesis. Plus it's not a minute too long, and has some terrific lines.
Agreed with Darjeeling Limited, i thought it was great. And i very nearly watched Thank You For Smoking the other day. I'll probably watch that one next.
Originally Posted by glastonelle
WOW. This movie was awesome! 
Yes, it was!