Hi Jessica,
Welcome to MusicBanter. Le 'something something! That's, unfortunately, about the extent of my French!

Peppy Le Peu? There! I know that.
I understand what you mean about the language in your mind being different than the one you speak. When I was younger, I liked thinking in German. It just felt much closer to my true thoughts than English.
Say, have you ever seen a French-Canadian movie called Leolo? A strange, disturbing, funny and sad movie. I quite like it.
Celine Dion...ooog! I like her as a person but her music has never been my favorite, perhaps because it sounds so super-dooper emotional. I'll give your favorite song a listen again, though! Maybe I'll change my mind.
Well, that is a pretty song. She has a pretty voice. Wispy. And it's in French. That's a bonus!