Originally Posted by RVCA
She is everything wrong with the music scene today. My parents grew up on the Beatles and Led Zeppelin. My sister is growing up on Kesha and Lady Gaga.

****ing hell. I see this type of drivel all over you tube constantly. My favorite was
1980: Guns n' Roses and Ac/Dc
2010: Justin Beiber and Lady Gaga
What happened?!?!?!
Sometimes people are glib or hyperbolic to illustate a point but the only point their making is that they don't know what they're talking about.
First of all RCVA, When the Beatles were popular, they were the same thing then as Gaga is now. Adjusting for time and culture, they almost are the same thing.
Zeppelin wasn't wildly popular until their 4th album so unless you're parents were digging for music (which people can still do today) or they were late in the game (which kids still do today...nirvana maybe) then I don't see how now is any different than then except we don't have 40 years to investigate "now." I'm sure your grandkids will look back and go
"I have all this bull**** pop to listen to. Gramps had Vampire Weekend, Mastodon, MF Doom, Josh Ritter, and Gorillaz"