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Old 06-22-2010, 05:53 AM   #6761 (permalink)
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Been watching a lot of films of late, hence my not posting much.Here's what I've watched over the last week.
American Movie- 3.5/5.
Pretty interesting look at the world of small-time filmakers, although sorely lacking in pace and narrative momentum.

Good entertainment, and Langella is excellent as Nixon

The Damned United- 4.5/5
Better than I expected, and brings to mind just how grim sports are to those trapped in them for a living.

The Night Of The Hunter-5/5
Absolute tragedy Charles Laughton never made more films, this is a terrific piece of Southern Gothic and a rival to Sunset Boulevard for Best Film of the 1950s

The Book Of Eli-2.5/5
Denzel has a gift for making very stupid films seem watchable, and he compensates for the sub-par script,acting and direction, with the rest of the film being a walking cliche.

Zodiac- 4.5/5
Pretty excellent if not as well paced as it'd need to be towards the end.

The Last Picture Show-3.5/5
Was inspired to watch it after reading Easy Riders,Raging Bulls for the 6th time, and was colossally disappointed. Nothing at all to make it stand out from other, worthy films about the period for all it's innovation in American cinema.

Being John Malkovich-4.5/5
A work of dizzy, inventive genius that's like little else going and manages to sustain it's ludricous premise.

Gregory's Girl-2.5/5
Dated Scottish whimsy, has nothing to distinguish it at all

The Darjeeling Limited-4/5
Pretty decent entertainment, ideally paced. It's generally hard to go wrong with Wes Anderson.

Thank You For Smoking-4/5
Eckhart is great, it's enjoyably un-PC, skips along briskly and William H Macy is a good comic nemsesis. Plus it's not a minute too long, and has some terrific lines.
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