Hi BW,
Welcome to MB!
The MB official rule is that self-promotion isn't acceptable...but the
unofficial rule appears to be that if you've been here a while then you are welcome to share your musical works.

Strange...I know...a site about music where you aren't supposed to discuss music that people are working on!
So, what most people who like to make music do here, I think, is post in the music forums, get to know people, and then go on over to the songwriting section and start a thread to share lyrics, first, and then actual songs later.
Or they just jump right in and put their first post in the songwriting section. That's what I did!

I didn't post in this community section for a week or so after I joined, since I didn't see it at first since it is DOWN HERE SO LOW...and the songwriting section rules don't mention it. So, you are already one step ahead of me!
Like Urban said, there are indeed other music forums that have a section dedicated to people sharing their works...keeping it compartmentalized but available. The closest thing there is to that here is the songwriting section just above in the "Artists' Corner."
Again, welcome.