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Old 06-20-2010, 02:04 AM   #6735 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by dankrsta View Post
I very rarely bring myself to call someone a bad actor, but he's one of them. I can't see that charisma and personality, just a mask that hides that there's nothing underneath. He's incredibly fake and superficial even in his better roles, maybe especially then (meaning the roles are good and some better actors would probably bring them depth and a real emotion instead of superficiality).

Whether he's an assh*le or not is not important to me. Russell Crowe is considered to be one and I think he's a very good actor.

There's one actor that people absolutely delight in calling him terrible, who's unfairly, universally singled out as the worst actor today - Keanu Reeves. And guess what, I was never one of those people. Sure, he's not a great one, can be very inadequate and clumsy sometimes. But he has something that Cruise doesn't have - even when he's terrible there's always an honesty and truthfulness at the core of his acting, some kind of childlike innocence. That makes him far more watchable for me than Cruise. That's when I can see the charisma instead of acting ability.

The point is - I can forgive 'woodiness' and clumsiness in acting, but I can't forgive fakeness.
tom cruise is good in the right role--seen magnolia? i think you would be hard-pressed to call his acting in that film 'bad'.
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