Originally Posted by Goblin Tears
I watched that performance, and the audience were DEAD. She even shot a brief but clear look at her manager, as if to say ''get me the **** outta here''. Singing an overproduced electro song off key with juvenile theatrics was NOT a good idea, and I wouldn't be surprsied if her career fizzles out after this album. She's this years Mandy Moore.
haha i am watching it now. the theatrics are terrible.
I am going to $ay it. I LIKE KE$SHA. I think her vocal line$ are real catchy and $he i$ just making $ome real $hitty but enjoyable club music. I am all about $incerity in mu$ic and her mu$ic i$ all about club$ and partying and drinking and being a $lut which i$ what $he i$ all about. That i$ just fine with me.