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Old 06-18-2010, 03:02 PM   #68 (permalink)
The Fascinating Turnip
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 510

Originally Posted by theuglyorgan View Post
Hey, everyone feels like that sometimes, and sometimes you just have to vent it. The internet is nearly the perfect place to do it. You shouldn't be so hard on yourself, you seem like a pretty smart guy from what I've read on this site.
Thanks for the kind words.

Originally Posted by Tea Supremacist View Post
Huh, I think we might be the same person...

No matter what the issues, whether it's grief (perhaps my main issue), stress, anxiety or just general teenage angst, it's still a problem. I know I'm a self pitying, whiney cow a lot of the time but I've also worked out that that's just the way I am. For now, anyway. I'm lucky I've got a partner that's really supportive and a good network of friends and family, but it doesn't change the way I feel sometimes. And maybe it never will. It's sad, but I've kind of resigned myself to the fact that things might not be so great for me, that we might not get another chance at having a family and that I may well lead a semi-miserable exsistence for the forseeable future. From what I can see, Tore is a lucky, strong person in that he is able to pull himself out of his problems (be it on his own or with help from friends and family), but some people just aren't designed like that. It's nothing to be ashamed of that you can't do this sh*t on you're own.

And Dr Phil moment over. There was my good advice of the day...
Your depression or general lack of well being seems much more justified than mine, judging from your last post.

I'm glad you're surrounded by people who support you. I just fear that in my case that won't help at all. No one can help me, I've got to pull myself through, just like tore seems to have done.

And yes, we do seem to share some similarities (I dont know which smiley to use in this situation...).

Thanks for the Dr. Phil moment, heh.
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