Originally Posted by mr dave
well... you've now proven worthless to keep replying to.
have fun trying to keep twisting things around so you can play the victim and push your agenda on people choosing to have a faithful spiritual belief as being somehow more stupid than your own choice to have a faithful denial of spirituality.
there's a big difference between religious association and practicing religion. how often do you see people saying Grace in public? i know a few people who feel they have to hide the fact that they say a quick word towards their beliefs before eating. it's been stripped from school, public office, government (and all appropriately so) but in doing that it's also been removed from socially accepted behavior. while there are some areas where it's still accepted there are far more where it seems only tolerated through political correctness.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. First of all, dismissing me entirely from the outset displays terrible arguing skills. At least tack your lame ad hominen attacks to the end of your argument.
That being said, when have I ever claimed (or even insinuated) that I was being victimized? Furthermore, how am I "pushing my agenda" on anyone? This is a thread about our OPINIONS on PRAYER. I stated exactly that, nothing more, nothing less.
I won't even touch your second paragraph, as it delves into the world of Church and State separation which is a new can of worms entirely.