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Thread: Eminem
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Old 06-17-2010, 05:31 PM   #8 (permalink)
Hank The Drifter
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Originally Posted by LoathsomePete View Post
It really depends on what you're after from him. His early stuff contained a lot of shock lyrics that jumped between offensive and hilarious. His 2000 release The Marshall Mathers LP was a good album for balancing out his more serious stuff with the funny stuff. I honestly hold his 2002 follow up The Eminem Show as his finest piece of work, both from a production and content viewpoint. I found that his most heartfelt lyrics were present on that album and it was his most "mature". Most people will disagree with me, but I think The Eminem Show is the best place to start for beginners, especially if they're not really into the shock value present on his earlier (and unfortunately) later albums.
Yeah I should have been a little more descriptive with my post. I agree with LoathsomePete on some things. I will be honest with you, Eminem's lyrics are 'immature' and can become annoying and at times really aren't funny anymore. I enjoy the first two SS and MM LP's the most out of his word, Eminem Show is a good release also. Other than those two albums he is really hit or miss in my opinion and sadly..a lot more miss than hit. He has songs strung out amounts his entire career that are good songs, but albums wise he is a really inconsistent artist.

Lemme clear this up because it isn't very clear. His first two are immature, as Pete said, then towards the middle of his career some of his lyrics took a more mature route. I do remember a few songs on Encore being kinda immature, 'A** Like That' is the one that stands out the most, but for the most part his lyrics were much better on The Eminem Show and Encore both.

Either way, I feel like The first four are all albums you should listen to. Really all just depends on what you're looking for.
“If a song can't be written in 20 minutes, it ain't worth writing.” - Hank Williams

Last edited by Hank The Drifter; 06-17-2010 at 06:00 PM.
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