I don't listen to the radio much, I have complete control over it when I do so if I think a song is being overplayed I'm not gonna listen to it until I get sick of it. Fortunately most people I know like crappy pop music so they're only overexposing me to music I hate to begin with. Wait did I just say fortunately? Well relatively fortunate anyway.
Also, someone mentioned The Beatles. For the biggest rock band in the world they get very little radioplay where I live. Usually it's just Hey Jude, Come Together, Revolution, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds and Back in the USSR. Seriously. And I think Band on the Run by Wings gets more radioplay than any of those.
Floyd do get a lot but only the big 3 albums. Zep get stuff played from all of their albums, all the time, so they take the prize, as much as I love them.
Last edited by boo boo; 06-16-2010 at 12:49 PM.