I relate to a lot of what people have said here, and was a bit surprised by some of the "revelations".
I'm just another speck on the wall here, many have complained about how I feel towards myself.
I'm absurdly insecure, quite anxious, and in the end just absolutely pathetic.
I'm afraid of everything, but I suppose those mind numbing cliches that are failure, rejection and being perceived negatively would be the major, or more general ones.
Just as I'm typing this, I feel like a shallow, self-absorbed twat whose "issues" or "disorders" are merely a figment of his imagination; who just wants to feel special or smart and tricks himself into these stupid fucking attention grabbing character flaws.
I complain a lot about what Zagarbal mentioned, a general, incessant sleepyness, and then couple that with constant worry or anxiety.
I think too much about things I shouldn't give a flying toss about, and then I worry about thinking about these things because I'm trying to fit in or feel special, and then I worry that I'm a blithering idiot with absolutely no personality, who constantly seeks ways to avoid being vulgar.
What the fuck am I doing anyway? This is just another bloody way of seeking attention or comfort, and in the end, no comfort or attention will ever satisfy or genuinely comfort me.
I suppose I should just accept myself and try hard to overcome my fears, like tore did, and I must say I was immensely impressed. But in the end, who am I? I've no idea. How can I exist properly if I don't have anything to fall back on? Then again, I'm afraid of what I'll find out.
Teenager hell, I suppose; here I am sounding like a vulgar cliche from an insipid soap opera. Atleast I'm too lonely to complain about girlfriends...Oh wait, that's not really a plus.
(I cannot stress how much I loathe myself for writing this up right now, I wish my story was as interesting as some of the regular members')