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Thread: Rock Band 3
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Old 06-14-2010, 06:02 PM   #3 (permalink)
mr dave
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Originally Posted by RVCA View Post
I've been wanting to get Rock Band 2, rhythm games are lots of fun. Especially with friends over. I might get this instead, but I have a feeling it's going to be very expensive. Not to mention how much space all the peripheral equipment would take up in my very small apartment...
the basic kit probably won't be much more expensive than what the RB2 bundles started out as when they first came out. although while i've seen a price list for various new instruments there's nothing showing about defaults. i suppose at this point they're assuming most people getting RB3 already have some instruments kicking around the place, or will just buy the RB2 bundle (guitar, mic, drums) for like $100.

the new peripherals are SPECIFIC to 'pro' mode. you don't need the fancy $150 midi guitar controller unless you're at that level. same with the cymbal attachments for the drums. there's probably nothing stopping you from getting them but if you're not already blazing through most of everything on expert at the moment it's probably futile.

here's a list of bundles and prices - Rock Band 3 Instruments and Bundles Priced - Shacknews

quite curious about the Fender Squire controller they hint at. no price yet, but i'm figuring it'll be over $200 if not closer to $300.

those who just want to be able to click along to songs with their friends will still be able to do just that but for the people who've mastered the titles and who actually want more depth instead of just faster (i'd take more stuff like Bodhisattva or Spoonman over Painkiller and Battery anytime) Pro mode seems poised to deliver.

personally i already dumped $250 on a 'premium' drum kit last year, so a $40 cymbal upgrade sounds quite reasonable. i really think this title is really what's going to determine whether or not these games continue to be seen as novelties or can be accepted as something more. there's a evolutionary graphic on the RB site similar to a caveman straightening their back into the classic businessman that starts with an obvious troll gamer holding a regular gamepad in their hand, then kind of standing a bit straighter with the simplified instruments that came out over the last few years, to standing upright like a borderline studio professional with the new gear coming out.

i really think that's what their ultimate goal with this franchise is. to help foster a new generation of musicians who deal directly with the net through the comfort of their own home (and release it to themselves through the Rock Band Network). the cult of personality is removed, the starf*cking is denied, and music is again forced to the forefront. i just hope the RBN is spread across all consoles when the new game comes out instead of being exclusive to the 360.
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Originally Posted by bandteacher1 View Post
I type whicked fast,
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