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Old 06-10-2010, 10:18 AM   #8 (permalink)
Atchin' Akai
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The referee for the match against the U.S.A. has been handed a list of 20 English swear words.

Me and a mate at work could only come up with 17!

This new rule is going to put the English at a distinct disadvantage.
For players from the north west region, swearing every other word is as natural as breathing.

Why in Gods name do they always use the World Cup for some unusual experimental rule?
It's the same with the ball.
After playing all season with a particular style of ball they go and introduce a new one that is capable of doing all kinds of weird things.

I can't help but get the feeling that we're in for another World Cup tournament where everything but the football is going to dominate the news.
I hope not.
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