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Old 06-05-2010, 07:15 PM   #6536 (permalink)
love will tear you apart
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Originally Posted by jackhammer View Post
I grew up with cheesy 70's films such as Earthquake etc and will suspend disbelief as I know it's just a film and the creative people keep that on side. With Day After Tomorrow- it was OTT but you sort of cared for a character or two and it had an arc but 2012 was bloated beyond belief and I didn't give 2 craps who survived.

I like cheese and enjoy it but get it right please!
I can't stand the 70s cheesy stuff, so I try and avoid it. But the Day After Tomorrow when I was watching it I felt like it's so bad... it's good. But I couldn't be arsed with exactly the same thing with 2012. A little cheese is good here and there but the director Emmerich really is useless. He's done 3 or 4 bad end of the world things, but things like 2012 sell at the box office because a load of people that don't really know about films just go for the special effects which is annoying when smaller films don't do that well but are far better, despite lacking fancy special effects.

Was there no saving grace from 2012?
I don't feel and I feel great.

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