Originally Posted by VEGANGELICA
I'm trying to listen to these songs right now not so much for the pleasure of listening to them but for the pleasure of trying to understand what others like in the songs.
Then you're on the right track...so to speak.

Although you're looking in the wrong place. Which I'll come to later.
To key to understand soul music is to understand empathy. Some life experience helps too, but empathy above all else.
Originally Posted by VEGANGELICA
I find that usually the genres or songs that resonate with me the most are ones that have a mixture of sadness, sweetness, quirkiness, and a feeling of aggression...so soul music isn't a genre I relate to very well.
Soul music has all this...if you know where to look.
The Reverend Cecil Washington with I Don't Like To Lose.
Yes, he really is a pastor!
An aggressive subject matter for a man of the cloth dontcha think?
Quirky too.
The song starts the way it finishes with a splash(?) of guitar and just builds and builds.
Mournful and defiant.
Originally Posted by VEGANGELICA
Sometimes my reaction to sweet, happy, funky songs is to feel angry because the songs are sooo happy, so one-sided. The buoyancy of the songs often bothers me (depending on my mood).
I agree here. At least in part. The beauty of the finest kind of soul music is it's ability to uplift a person even when the subject matter is grim.
And it's ability to sadden, when the mood is light.
If you know where to look.
Sad and uplifting at the same time. Smiling through tears;
Originally Posted by VEGANGELICA;877463I
I struggle the most trying to appreciate soul love songs, especially simple ones. The focus on love seems so narrow to me. I think I prefer songs that deal with problems or have some irony in them, or have a wider perspective than just human love.
Now were on the same page.
The trouble with some soul music is that it lacks real content.
I'm very fussy with what I choose to listen to in this genre.
A good soul song is like a fine wine. It needs a connoisseurs approach and at first listen an incredible soul song can leave you cold.
Once you've developed a taste and you know what you want and expect from a song, they'll improve with age and repeated listens.
I'll throw this one in because I just know you'll love it!