Originally Posted by right-track
A solid Northern Soul standard along with the flip side 'In Your Spare Time', which is worth a listen if you like the A-side.
Philly soul has it's own distinctive sound which changed through the 60's into the 70's.
My attraction with Philly centres on the 60's sound and the upbeat tunes associated with the Northern Soul scene.
If it's fast paced and danceable, as a rule of thumb...it's 'Northern'. (More so if it's rare).
What you have to understand is that the term "Northern Soul" was coined to describe the kind of 60's R&B favoured in the soul clubs of northern England and has no bearing on the musics original locality.
Nice to see you're developing a taste for this brand of soul music Vegan. 
Thanks for the info, right-track. I was able to listen to "In Your Spare Time" and can definitely hear the bouncy, danceable beat and mood the song has, making it "Northern."
What was the song by Cindy Scott that you felt is more representative of Philly soul?