If you're after Dark Corners of the Earth I would recommend it for PC and not Xbox. The game isn't backwards compatible with the xbox360 and it's a pain in the ass to find in stores. They have it on Steam for 20 bucks and it's a 5 year old game now so it doesn't require the blood of the first born to play properly.
As far as Lovecraft as an author is concerned, he is one of my all time favourites. I discovered his work then I was 16 and have been reading it ever since then (I go all out in October for some reason). While his writing style may be hard to read at first, you do pick up the hang of it the more you read and I just love the idea of being frightened by something more psychological than physical. On New Years Day I actually managed to find a leather bound collection of his work called Necronomicon for like 8 dollars, so I gave away all my smaller books with his stories to friends throughout the country.
I've also REALLY wanted to try The Call of Cthulhu role-playing game but finding both the correct edition to play along with the books is difficult. So far I've heard a lot of negative comments about the newest edition that includes d20 rule from D&D 4th edition.