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Thread: HP Lovecraft
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Old 05-31-2010, 02:56 AM   #6 (permalink)
Juicious Maximus III
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I played it on my computer. I can't stand playing FPS games on consoles, I feel like I'm handicapped.

The bloop is indeed interesting, but don't believe that the Cthulhu mythos is based on anything even remotely true, I mean .. It's pretty far fetched! What one does then is taking a phenomenon which one doesn't know how to explain (the bloop) and explain that with whatever sounds like it might fit the best (f.ex the Cthulhu mythos). Needless to say, that's not a good approach for figuring stuff out!

It's interesting as a thought experiment though. What if it was true?

edit :

I'm not convinced that the bloop has to be biological at all. I see some people write that it's been proven to be organic. Of course it hasn't ..
Something Completely Different
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