Originally Posted by sidewinder
Couple of random ones off the top of my head. I'll agree with The Mars Volta's debut, too.
Descendents - Hallraker Live!
A friend found this tape in the school parking lot in the early 90s, and we fell in love instantly. It got me into punk.
Skinny Puppy - Last Rights
My introduction to the band. I hallucinated while laying on my bed in the dark, prior to ever having done an drugs. The start of an obsession.
Modest Mouse - The Lonesome Crowded West
I'd heard The Moon & Antarctica before this and liked it, but this one was just woahwtfawesomeman!

I agree with all of these...good choices. I heard Modest Mouse's Good News For People Who Love Bad News first and I thought it was great. Once I heard the Lonesome Crowded West, I was blown away.
Btw...I'm going to keep plugging the Bethany Curve album I mentioned. If anyone who reads this enjoys shoegaze it is an absolute must. Since it is so easy for me to get new music these days, very rarely will I only want to listen to one album over and over. You Brought Us Here is the first album in a long time to do that for me.