Fresh to the forum, hi from Norway
19 year old from Norway checking in. I go by the name of Marcus. I found this forum when browsing for music on google, and it looked very interesting, so I just decided to register, and here I am!
In my free time I mostly play guitar. I study music, and I'm currently on my 13th year of school. Inspired by the mod-thread I've decided to make a top 5 artists. I hesitate to put them in order, but here goes: Ryan Adams(and the Cardinals), U2, Radiohead, Tori Amos, Tom Waits. This list probably changes by the day, but I think it comes the closest to what represents me.
Currently I listen to music through spotify, as I dont have the money nor the space for a proper sound system. But thats to come!
Can't think of much else to write for now,..