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Old 05-26-2010, 12:36 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Bulldog View Post
Although I can't stand Sigur Ros, I'm liking your taste so far (Waterfall is, indeed, a terrific song). Nice write-ups all-round, hope you keep this going - it's always great to see good new journals pop up around here. Keep up the good work eh.
Thank you for reading. I'll definately try. I understand why someone wouldn't enjoy Sigur Ros. I can only enjoy them in some capacities. I cannot sit on the bus and listen to them as, while nice, it gets very tedious. However, as background music to some other activity, I enjoy their work.

Today, I gave the Stone Roses another go, and i'm really starting to get into the swing of things with this album. 'Waterfall' still stands out and 'I Wanna Be Adored' is fantastic. I also noticed 'Don't Stop' had a 'Revolver'-esque feel about it....which, well, can't be a bad thing. I still can't fully comment on this album in many ways other than;

1) I enjoy it, and see it becoming an album that gets repeated spins. It has the potential for top 20 on Last.FM right now.

2) I don't get these Oasis comparisons? I'm a big fan of early Oasis and the only comparisons I see are that they're both from Manchester and both play guitar based Beatles influenced rock. OK, maybe that is a fairly large comparison.

I've listened to a couple more little nuggets today. Most notably, Olivia Tremor Controls' 'Peel Sessions'. If you like 'Dust at Cubist Castle', you're going to enjoy this. It consists of a short song ('I'm not feeling human') and two suites of music from 'Cubist'. The highlight here is the condensed version of 'Green Typewriters', which is just ridiculous on the studio album. Also, lets be honest, John Peel got the best out of artists. In a nutshell, spectacular.

I've also given Of Montreal's 'Hissing Fauna' another attempt, but seriously, i'm not getting this album yet. Expect to see it crop up in an update soon because me and this album have alot of unfinished business.

I also listened to a few songs from the Strokes 'Is this it' simply for the fact that I like to close my eyes and pretend i'm in the band. Just too cool.

I'm still not happy with giving 'The Stone Roses' a rating, but since these ratings are flexible, there's no harm in it. I'll give it a 8 right now. The reasoning behind that is that I make a 9 or a 10 exceeding hard to come by (two 10's I can think of right now are Neutral Milk Hotel's 'In the Aeroplane Over the Sea' and Radiohead's 'The Bends'...THAT good). This album is impressing me right now though, make no mistake about that.

'The Peel Sessions' gets an 8. Olivia Tremor Control are a pretty special band and this is a pretty special session but the suites take some of the edge and poppy glisten away from a few cuts, but it's a very nice, casual listen. Definately two thumbs up.

'Is this it' stays around an 8 or a 9 and is a fixture in my catalogue. I only mentioned it here because I wanted to mention that I like to pretend that i'm in the band.

As for Of Montreal...i've barely even started cracking that case. There'll be more to come.

By the way, comments and suggestions are both welcomed and encouraged
I'm here to learn.
All recommendations are welcomed.
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