Originally Posted by Lateralus
It really depends where you are, Australia is a huge country so the climate varies from place to place.
Yes, our days get shorter in Winter.
I live in Melbourne, which is the most temperate city. REALLY cold for us would be around 5-10 degrees C during the day. During the nights it gets much colder though.
Really warm for New Zealand would probably be around 30 degrees. But it depends where you are again. The South Island is very cold and would probably never hit those temperatures like the North Island. Auckland (the biggest city in NZ) is actually quite warm. It is actually warmer than Melbourne, Australia during most of the year!
Where abouts in NZ did your friend live? Because like I said, while I was living in Auckland, I found that my hometown (Melbourne, Australia) is MUCH colder than Auckland. Our winters are quite a lot colder than Auckland's. If you look at a map, Melbourne is further south than Auckland. So it really depends where you are. The South Island of NZ is very cold in Winter but still not as cold as Scotland :P
So ultimately it depends where you are in each country. Melbourne is further away from the equator so we have hotter summers but much colder winters than New Zealand. Sydney's climate is pretty similar to Auckland's. And Adelaide, Brisbane, and Perth are all quite hot. And the middle of Australia is damn bloody hot but you'd only go there for sightseeing because there's nothing there.
I always wondered what Australia's difference in winter and summer were, I ofcourse had a rough estimation, but I can't go wrong with the information of a current Australian!

I suppose that it gets much colder at night as you would have less clouds than I? We don't get much difference in day & night temperatures unless its a very clear sky! Then it gets super cold at night. I think Auckland or Melbourne would be my perfect place to immigrate to, they sound like climates I could handle!

(if only, it'll probably remain a dream). Ooh, I always knew Brisbane was warm but not too warm I imagined. My 2 half brothers stay there

I may visit them one day!
Originally Posted by Vanilla
All I want to say to Kayleigh is the South Island is freaking dark and cold right now. There is a weather bomb that has hit us, the last two days has seen us get 250mm of rain. Temperatures are about 12 degrees Celsius. Currently getting snow on the ski fields whoop!
What are your temps like hun?
Haha, do you stay in the South Island? 250mm of rain is really alot for 2 days! I just looked up what we get annually and its 4577mm, I've no clue wither thats alot or not haha. We've had similar temps to you right now! The other day was 11oc but that was quite cold for it coming into summer. But it was also snowing a couple of days ago. Weather here is unpredictable, I've seen it amazingly warm one day, snowing the next! Madness. As for winter 2009-2010 I seen it at -20oc many times! But the summer has been about 18oc and such, warm! I'm getting a tshirt tan and no longer look ill through being so pale!
Originally Posted by tore
Sorry if I'm underestimating your knowledge, but I thought I'd point out that the further away you get from the earth's equator, the more seasonality you have in the amount of daylight .. so, the closer you are to the poles, the more difference between summer and winter. :)
Naw naw, I'm very poor at asking wording what I mean lol. I was just wonder because Australia's winter is equivalent to my summer if there days got shorter and longer too, because I was curious wither temperature effected the day lenth in some way!