Hi Sljslj,
I'm sorry I haven't been around much the last week or so. My wife is very ill (cancer), and my mother is very ill (heart). In and out of the hospital a lot! And I do all the care for them. In and out of the hospital. They will get better for a while, then you will get tird seeing me. lol I still take a quick peek when I can but don't have time to sit and type, sorry. My mother will be out of the hospital in a day or two, and I will be able look at each song individually and leave some feedback.
Note: Sljslj, you take care of you! You are an important part of this world. And though I don't know you, just to know you are alive and well, is good enough for me. I believe if you were not here, there would be an unbalance in nature, and the words you compose would be lost to the winds of time. For you, life may not be easy, but writing is. So, make a song out of this. It's about you, so be kind to yourself and the rest of the world "will" notice.