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Old 05-19-2010, 04:13 PM   #5 (permalink)
mr dave
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growing up in Canada electronic music was most definitely an acquired taste. especially coming of age in the 90s. C&C Music Factory and DJ Chris Sheppard were and still are absolute garbage. not sure where you got the impression that it was very popular up here (it's not). there would be compilations that came out a few times a year like the MuchDance discs but for the most part it was always a niche thing.

unless you lived in one of the major cities 'electronic' music really WAS trash. it's not that i think the musicians or producers involved are bad at what they do but they choose to make thoroughly disposable releases. my sister is a perfect example of the average dance music listener, she'll have a bunch of store bought compilation discs and a few homemade mix albums of the most recent club favourites and won't know more than maybe 3 tracks names, has no clue on who produced or performed anything, and has absolutely no interest in finding any depth in what she's hearing.
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Originally Posted by bandteacher1 View Post
I type whicked fast,
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